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I. Multiple Choice (40 points in all, 1 for each)

  Select from the four choices of each item the one that best answers the question or completes the statement. Write your choice on the answer sheet.

1.The most significant idea of the Renaissance is(   ).

A. humanism                                                   B. realism

C. naturalism                                                   D. skepticism

2.Shakespeare’s tragedies include all the following except(   ).

A. Hamlet and King Lear

B. Antony and Cleopatra and Macbeth

C. Julius Caesar and Othello

D. The Merchant of Venice and A Midsummer Night’s Dream

3.The statement Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for abilityopens one of well-known essays by(   ).

A. Francis Bacon                                              B. Samuel Johnson

C. Alexander Pope                                            D. Jonathan Swift

4.In Hardy’s Wessex novels, there is an apparent(   )touch in his description of the simple though primitive rural life.

A. nostalgic                                                     B. humorous

C. romantic                                                     D. ironic

5.Backbite, Sneerwell, and Lady Teazle are characters in the play The School for Scandal by(   ).

A. Christopher Marlowe                                    B. Ben Jonson

C. Richard Brinsley Sheridan                             D. George Bernard Shaw

6.Of all the 18th century novelists Henry Fielding was the first to set out, both in theory and practice, to write specifically a“(   )in prose,the first to give the modern novel its structure and style.

A. tragic epic                                                   B. comic epic

C. romance                                                      D. lyric epic

7.In his poem Tyger, Tyger,William Blake expresses his perception of thefearful symmetryof the big cat. The phrasefearful symmetrysuggests(   ).

A. the tiger’s two eyes which are dazzlingly bright and symmetrically set

B. the poet’s fear of the predator

C. the analogy of the hammer and the anvil

D. the harmony of the two opposite aspects of God’s creation

8.What is his name?


Is he married or single?

Oh! Single, my dear, to be sure! A single man of large fortune; four or five thousand a year. What a fine thing for our girls!

The above dialogue must be taken from(   ).

A. Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice

B. Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights

C. John Galsworthy’s The Forsyte Saga

D. George Eliot’s Middlemarch

9.The short storyArabyis one of the stories in James Joyce’s collection(   ).

A. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

B. Ulysses

C. Finnegans Wake

D. Dubliners

10.William Wordsworth, a romantic poet, advocated all the following except(   ).

A. the using of everyday language spoken by the common people

B. the expression of the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings

C. the humble and rustic life as subject matter

D. elegant wording and inflated figures of speech

11.Here are two lines taken from The Merchant of Venice:Not on thy sole, but on thy soul, harsh Jew/Thou mak’st thy knife keen.What kind of figurative device is used in the above lines?

(   )

A. Simile.                                                        B. Metonymy.

C. Pun.                                                           D. Synecdoche.

12.If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?is an epigrammatic line by(   ).

A. J. Keats                                                       B. W. Blake

C. W. Wordsworth                                           D. P. B. Shelley

13.The poems such asThe Chimney Sweeperare found in both Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience by(   ).

A. William Wordsworth                                     B. William Blake

C. John Keats                                                  D. Lord Gordon Byron

14.John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress is often regarded as a typical example of(   ).

A. allegory                                                       B. romance

C. epic in prose                                                D. fable

15.Alexander Pope strongly advocated neoclassicism, emphasizing that literary works should be judged by(   )rules of order, reason, logic, restrained emotion, good taste and decorum.

A. classical                                                      B. romantic

C. sentimental                                                  D. allegorical

16.In his essayOf Studies,Bacon said:Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and(   ).

A. skimmed                                                     B. perfected

C. imitated                                                       D. digested

17.For I have known them all already, known them all/Have known the evenings, mornings, afternoons,/I have measured out my life with coffee spoons.The above lines are taken from(   ).

A. Wordsworth’s The Solitary Reaper

B. Eliot’sThe Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

C. Coleridge’sKubla Khan

D. Yeats’sThe Lake Isle of Innisfree

18.(The)(   )was a progressive intellectual movement throughout Western Europe in the 18th century.

A. Romanticism                                               B. Humanism

C. Enlightenment                                              D. Sentimentalism

19.A typical Forsyte, according to John Galsworthy, is a man with a strong sense of(   ), who never pays any attention to human feelings.

A. morality                                                      B. justice


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